Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'll Be There Soon!

Today Rexburg is calling my name. Its only a little over a month before I go but I find myself longing for "the bubble" and the security it brings. It might have something to do with my need for change about every six months. I know it hasn't been 6 months since a big changed happened but the mission got me used to at least some type of change every 6 weeks and its definitely been longer then that.
Beautiful Rexburg

Maybe its because Rexburg provides a never ending supply of social life that I seem to be lacking in here. Not that I was all that social before my mission, but it was easier to pretend that I was.

Maybe its because sometimes, like today, I feel like I'm playing the waiting game. Hanging out at home waiting for school to start. Feels like I'm just waiting around for real life to start again. I've got bunches & bunches of plans but they all kinda rely on my graduating in April.

I know what you're all thinking. Live in the moment Becca. Enjoy the relaxing summer while you can; it only gets crazier from here. I've never been a "live in the moment" type person. I always worry about the past & the future. I'm working on it.

I know that I could feel totally different tomorrow & be in love with California again. I also know that I will definitley feel different when I see the 1st snowfall come winter & I'll be thinking "why the heck did I ever leave sunny Southern California" But for tonight...keep calling Rexburg, I'll be there soon!

<3 Becca

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Opening Doors!

So I know, I know nothing from me for like a lot of days & then two posts in one day. I just wanted to say; you know what I said about the whole "when you have the faith to close a window Heavenly Father opens a door for you." Well just so you all know...yep He opens doors!!

Also for all you new RMs out there (I know quite a few that got home today). Taking a leap of faith & going to activities that might scare you a wee bit because you feel awkward totally pays off! I did that tonight & guess what...a boy asked for my number! whoot whoot! A small nevertheless awesome tender mercy!

<3 Becca


I'm not going to give you any excuses as to why I haven't posted. Just know this; when Heavenly Father asks you to close a window He will always open a door for you. At least that's what I'm hoping He's doing its still to early to tell but I'll let you know how it goes. ;)

So for now a shout out. This blog is called Nienie Dialogues. Stephanie Nielson is a HUGE inspiration to me. She helped me to be brave enough to go on a mission and to be honest she's a big reason I started this blog. She probably doesn't know I exist but that's okay. I highly encourage you all to go read her blog. You will be amazed with her story! Its way better then mine!

So Nie, you will probably never read this but thank you. Thank you for following the Spirit & for sharing your message of hope with others. You have helped me greatly & I'm sure so many others feel the same.


Monday, July 9, 2012

2nd Place

So I don't know if you noticed but I've been MIA this week! Its this girls fault! My wee niece came to visit with of course her parents. I took Thursday - Sunday off so that I could spend lots of time with them since I haven't really gotten to since I've gotten home. 

We did lots of things including going to to Sea World on Friday. I loved spending time with my family. It was the first time in a long time that we've all been together with no one else around. Yesterday was probably the best for me. After church we just all chilled out at home, played games and laughed until we cried. 

Laughing is the best I think; it heals everything. Family is also the best. But I've told you all that before. 

So now I have a question for everyone. What is your best Fourth of July memory? Because although my last post was all about Counsins Week and that is my favorite 4th memory this 4th of July come in at a very close 2nd! :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cousins Week

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've got a legit excuse this time. My big sister Emily & her family came to stay with us so I was kicked outta my nice warm bed & onto the floor of my sisters room. So I usually write my blog at night but my sister's go to sleep a little earlier & I don't want to keep them up.

Anyway not that you needed to know all of that but whatev.

A lot...well kinda a lot has happened in the past few days. I'm not gonna go into detail but it involves a certain boy with the same last name as me and I am pretty darn happy about it. :)

BUT today is Independence Day so there is no time for details because this my friends in one of my favorite holidays! Why you ask? Weeelll for me it means family.

When I was little my Grandparents decided that they wanted all their grand kids to grow up together and know and love each other. So they came up with Cousins Week. Every summer around the 4th of July their four daughters would drive up to their 5 acre property in Northern California drop us grand kids and leave us there for a few weeks.

Let me tell you it was an amazing time! We would play in the "woods", build forts, do crafts for service, help cut down trees and swim at least 5 hours a day. It was a blast. And we were always there during the 4th of July. I remember a wide variety of things we used to do to celebrate. A few years we went to this big cliff and played up there & watched the fireworks from a distant park. Then we met "Uncle" Bob who lived near a park that had fireworks so we went to his house & played with there kids & watched from there lawn. Then we started going to the park itself where we'd dominate in every competition that they had so we could get sodas, hamburgers & hot dogs to stuff our faces with before we watched the fireworks explode right above us.

Though Cousins Week has officially stopped since we've all grown up  they are still some of my greatest memories. So tonight I want to dedicate this post to my Grandparents...who had the wisdom, love & courage to put up with us crazy kids each summer.

They taught me the importance of family & love. Which brings us to today. My whole family was together again today. For the first time in ages. It felt amazing! We all loved watching my niece Sadie get so excited for fireworks and I just loved being with those I love the most. I couldn't ask for a better way to celebrate. In a way it was very different from Cousins Week and I miss that tradition very much. But in a more important way it was exactly like Cousins Week; filled with love and laughter.

I hope you all enjoyed this day as much as I did.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Just a Good Day!

Oh what a day! It has been an awesome one that is foorr sure! 

For starters Matthew & I crashed the Youth Conference and went on a hike with Mom, Dad & all the youth! We hiked some where in Palos Verdes down to the beach & back up the hill.  It was fun & the scenery was beautiful!

That took up most of the day.

Then I came home & my good friend Dan Brown asked if I wanted to go with him & some friends & just hang out at Downtown Disney...of course I said yes. I asked him to pick me up & he comes with two of his guy friends. Jeff & Matt. So me & three guys went & hung out. I felt a tiny bit awkward at first but after a little while I was fine. 

It was a lot of fun and Dan's uber cute friend Matt and I talked for a while & seemed to really hit it off. He even got outta the car to hug me. Super cute. Get this though...his full name is Matthew Fisher. How weird is that?

Story time: So, as soon as I got in Matt's truck I felt around for my phone & it was no where to be found. No joke I was freaking a little bit. But I figured that I'd just forgot it at home. So we went about our merry way & I forgot all about it until I got home & went to look for my phone. Still no where to be found. Now I was really freaking out. So I called it from my mom's phone and I still can't hear it or anything, but then I get a call on my mom's phone from my phone! It was Dan Brown...I totally dropped it in the truck. I swear to you it was not on purpose! So these gentlemen drove back to my house to give me my phone & Matt came out & hugged me again. And then I get in the house & look at my phone. They put Matt's number in there...and took a picture. Again uber cute & I guess we'll see what happens. 

<3 Becca